Sportz Blitz Saturday Sports Countdown

Sports commentary on local high school sports and college athletics every Saturday

About This Event

The Saturday Sports Countdown began after the success that Sportz Blitz had during the week. Saturday Sports Countdown goes from 7am to 9am every Saturday throughout the year. This show has the same format as Sportz Blitz Live with the focus being on local high school sports and college athletics throughout the state. This show is on Charter Channel 3, WKGA 97.5 and is on our Facebook Live through the Sportz Blitz Facebook page.

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Sportz Blitz Saturday Sports Countdown

Sports commentary on local high school sports and college athletics every Saturday

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Become a Sponsor on Bama Blitz!

The Bama Blitz is a spin off of the long running Sportz Blitz programming in the state of Alabama. Bama Blitz airs weekdays from 11-12

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